台灣肝臟研究學會(TASL) | 財團法人台灣肝臟研究暨教育基金會(TASLF)

恭賀本會會長高嘉宏教授榮獲第一屆亞太肝臟研究學會Okuda-Omata 傑出成就奬(APASL Okuda-Omata Distinguished Achievement Award)

恭賀本會會長高嘉宏教授榮獲第一屆亞太肝臟研究學會Okuda-Omata 傑出成就奬( APASL Okuda-Omata Distinguished Achievement Award),高會長將於2月22日在菲律賓馬尼拉舉辦的亞太肝臟研究學會年會開幕典禮中領獎並發表專題報告(State-of-the-Art Lecture )。


Apasl Named Awards

APASL Okuda-Omata Distinguished Achievement Award

The APASL Okuda-Omata Distinguished Achievement Award is conferred to an individual who has made scientific contributions of outstanding significance in the field of hepatology. This is awarded to an individual with an established history of distinguished service and exhibited leadership as well as provided inspiration to others in hepatology positively influencing both national and international level



Professor JiaHorng Kao
